
Wednesday, October 20, 2010



1.   a. Having a relatively great elevation; extending far upward: a high mountain; a high tower.
      b. Extending a specified distance upward: a cabinet ten feet high.
2.   Far or farther from a reference point: was too high in the offensive zone to take a shot.
3.   a. Being at or near the peak or culminating stage: the high tourist season; high summer.
      b. Advanced in development or complexity: high forms of animal life; higher mathematics.
      c. Far removed in time; remote: high antiquity.
4.   a. Slightly spoiled or tainted; gamy. Used of meat.
      b. Having a bad smell; malodorous.
5.   a. Having a pitch corresponding to a relatively large number of sound-wave cycles per second: the high    tones of a flute.
      b. Raised in pitch; not soft or hushed: a high voice.
6.   Situated relatively far from the equator: a high latitude.
7.   a. Of great importance: set a high priority on funding the housing program.
      b. Eminent in rank or status: a high official.
      c. Serious; grave: high crimes and misdemeanors.
      d. Constituting a climax; crucial: The chase scene is the high point of the film.
      e. Characterized by lofty or stirring events or themes: high adventure; high drama.
8.   Lofty or exalted in quality or character: a person of high morals.
9.   a. Greater than usual or expected, as in quantity, magnitude, cost, or degree: "A high price has to be paid for the happy marriage with the four healthy children" (Doris Lessing).
      b. Favorable: He has a high opinion of himself.
10. Of great force or violence: high winds.
11.  a. Indicating excitement or euphoria: high spirits.
       b. Slang Intoxicated by or as if by alcohol or a drug, such as cocaine or marijuana.
12.  Luxurious; extravagant: high living.
13.  Linguistics Of or relating to vowels produced with part of the tongue close to the palate, as in the vowel of tree.
14.  Of, relating to, or being the gear configuration or setting, as in an automotive transmission, that produces the greatest vehicular speed with respect to engine speed.

adv. higher, highest
1.   At, in, or to a lofty position, level, or degree: saw a plane high in the sky; prices that had gone too high.
2.   In an extravagant or luxurious way: made a fortune and lived high.

1.   A lofty place or region.
2.   A high level or degree: Summer temperatures reached an all-time high.
3.   The high gear configuration of a transmission.
4.   A center of high atmospheric pressure; an anticyclone.
5.   Slang An intoxicated or euphoric condition induced by or as if by a drug.

See The Free Dictionary

1.   a. Having little relative height; not high or tall.
      b. Rising only slightly above surrounding surfaces.
      c. Situated or placed below normal height: a low lighting fixture.
      d. Situated below the surrounding surfaces: water standing in low spots.
      e. Dead and buried.
      f. Cut to show the wearer's neck and chest; décolleté: a low neckline.

2.  Near or at the horizon: The sun is low in the sky.
3.  Close or closer to a reference point: was low in the offensive zone, near the goal.
4.  Linguistics Produced with part or all of the tongue depressed, as a, pronounced (ä), in father. Used of vowels.
5.  Of less than usual or average depth; shallow: The river is low.
6.  Humble in status or character; lowly: of low birth.
7.  Biology Of relatively simple structure in the scale of living organisms.
8.  Unrefined; coarse: low humor.
9.  Violating standards of morality or decency; base: a low stunt to pull. See Synonyms at mean2.
10.  a. Lacking strength or vigor; weak.
       b. Lacking liveliness or good spirits; discouraged or dejected.
11.  a. Below average in degree, intensity, or amount: a low temperature.
       b. Below an average or a standard: low wages; a low level of communication.
       c. Ranked near the beginning of an ascending series or scale: a low number; a low grade of oil.
       d. Relating to or being latitudes nearest to the equator.
       e. Relatively small. Used of a cost, price, or other value: a low fee; a low income.
12.  Having a pitch corresponding to a relatively small number of sound-wave cycles per second.
13.  Not loud; soft: a low murmur.
14.  Being near total depletion: My savings account is low.
15.  Not adequately provided or equipped; short: low on supplies.
16.  Depreciatory; disparaging: a low opinion of him.
17.  Brought down or reduced in health or wealth: in a low state.
18.  Of, relating to, or being the gear configuration or setting, as in an automotive transmission, that produces the least vehicular speed with respect to engine speed.

1.   a. In or to a low position, level, or space: aimed low; bent low.
      b. In or to a low condition or rank; humbly: thought low of himself.
2.  In or to a reduced, humbled, or degraded condition: brought low by failure.
3.  Softly; quietly: speak low.
4.  With a deep pitch: sang low.
5.  At a small price: bought low and sold high.

1.  A low level, position, or degree: Rain collects in the lows. The stock market fell to a new low.
2.  Meteorology A region of atmospheric pressure that is below normal.
3.  The low gear configuration of a transmission.

See The Free Dictionary

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